
Convert Your Garage to Adventure Space

The space available for recreational activities and hobbies all over India has decreased, gone are the days when there were huge houses spread across the picturesque planes of India where children could play and run around and adults could exercise and lounge about. Cities have now become urban jungles with many houses and buildings dotting the skyline, however, there are still houses that have attached garages and these places have been lying waste for ages, they have almost been turned into storerooms with many household items being dumped there. Convert Your Garage to Adventure Space. There was a time when garages would be used to make small play pans or even install the odd swing for your kids, but now garages watch the time go by in relative anonymity being relegated to a house dump yard, there are sometimes the odd festivals or small house functions for which they are spruced and cleaned, other than that garages are pretty much storerooms. Over the course of the past year though, the story has changed drastically. This largely thanks to Rubber Rolls.

 If you were looking to cover large areas in single sheets of rubber, till about a year ago your options were limited to tiles and rubber mats or PVC there was no-one making Rolls in long lengths that could cover large areas in an economical manner and also give you the design that you had in your mind. Enter Fab Floorings India (FFI) the company has been manufacturing Rubber Flooring, Interlocking Tiles and PVC along-with gyms flooring for a better part of the decade. But every few years design and technology take a leap and with the demands of industries, retail establishments and people too. FFI realized early on that the demand for Rubber Rolls in India was growing and there was no one, not a single company manufactures Rubber Rolls and this was a huge glaring gap of there being demand and NO supply. It took a lot of hard work and determination along with long tedious hours filled with jubilation and at times frustration but in the end, FFI persevered and with all the necessary permits and nitty-gritty in place the company was ready to manufacture Rubber Rolls made from completely recyclable material and the rolls in themselves were recyclable too, in this way the company was not only pioneering the manufacture of a new product to hitherto unknown market but also championing the cause of protecting mother nature by promoting recycling at every step of its production chain.

Producing the Roll was just half the task done, there were accolades that came to the companies way from every corner however if you are to sell your product you have to offer something that attracts the customer right away. The team at FFI came up with a solution that was not only bold but very customer-friendly, a do it yourself design option that nobody offered. The customer was allowed to not only create their own design for the EPDM granules but could customize the thickness and color design of the whole roll to suit their liking. This option took over the market like wildfire bringing in a huge plethora of demands that FFI was more than happy to fulfill. FFI is the first company to launch Rubber Roll in India.

Rubber Rolls are available in a variety of lengths like 2, 4, and 6,8,10 mm at FFI with a black base and 15% EPDM granule content. Primary colors are always available for a choice but multicolor choices and customizations are available on demand. FFI is also the only company to allow customizations in thickness levels along with an AMC that guarantees the longevity of your product. FFI rubber rolls are 1m by 10 m in length thus allowing you to cover a large area with a single length of rolls making it a perfect choice for commercial establishments and places like garages.

Coming back to garages, as we stated at the beginning of this blog they were pretty much languishing in obscurity till the advent of Rubber Rolls and now suddenly garages have become the adventure zone in houses. You can pretty much install a full-fledged gym in a garage with rubber rolls protecting the floor and canceling out any noise. You can make a jungle gym for your kids with all the ropes and climbs and not have to worry about them falling as the rubber has a high impact absorption quotient thus any fall or slip is never going to go on to a  cataclysmic conclusion of injury as the fall will be stopped right in its track.

Quite a few people have now installed climbing wall in their garages combined with parkour elements for strength training. Parkour is a great strength training exercise that builds up the body’s core combined with rock climbing in a safe environment that is lined with Rubber Flooring it can really help build a child’s mental and physical capabilities to the maximum. When a child is convinced that he or she is safe there is a confidence boost in their attempt at rock climbing and rubber rolls do just that.

Rubber Rolls can also help you build a play pan or kids playroom in your garage where your little ones can enjoy their little games or just hang about and you can lounge around in the assurance that your kids are completely safe

Some people have gone ahead and created little practice areas in garages for their preferred sports like karate, wrestling, taekwondo, and wrestling. Practicing within the vicinity of your home not only saves travel time it also helps you save a huge amount of money that you would spend in taking up gym or practice area memberships. You also have a lot more time to perfect your moves which you cant do in a paid area as you have to adhere to timings. Furthermore, you can use the garage for practice at any time and since rubber absorbs noise you do not have to worry about the neighbors complaining. Some people also like to practice in privacy and converting your garage into a practice area gives you just that.

We could have missed out on many other things that could convert your garage into an adventure zone especially things like cooking classes feel free to experiment who knows you might come up with the next big garage makeover.