Rubber weight plates which were not such a common sight till a few years ago have now caught the fancy of every gym owner and weight lifter alike, most people now find it impossible to imagine a workout zone without Rubber weights. These plates are also known as ‘Bumper Plates’, there is a steel grip collar in the middle with a dense rubber coating on the outside. Most weight lifters now prefer rubber weight plates to traditional steel plates for a fairly a practical reason like being able to drop them after a dead lift without any harm to the surroundings. You also get to work out in peace as there are no clunky sounds with Rubber weights.

- PU Rubber Coated
- Strong MS Iron Plate
- Size: 5KG, 10KG, 15KG, 20KG and 25KG
- 28mm Froning
- Best Finishing along with durability
>Most gym equipment and weight plate manufacturers usually show you all the products they have without ever explaining the difference between their products and one such difference is between rubber and urethane. We ensure that we explain everything about our product so that your purchase comes from a point of informed decision making.Urethane is basically rubber but with a different chemical composition, rubber is a naturally occurring substance where as urethane has been created in labs.
Urethane rubber plates do not give off a nasty odor that is mostly prevalent in areas which use rubber weights (as a result of off-gassing). Urethane rubber plates are much harder with a greater resistance to environmental wear, tear and degradation. Urethane also offers greater engraving capabilities. Urethane has greater resistance to chipping and cracking than rubber plates but has less elastic memory. We offer various customizations with our Urethane weight plates, which have great glossy finish and will give you the best looking logo if engraving is something you are looking for.
Our exclusive and proprietary developed process permits us to make rubber weight plates that have both a higher tensile strength plus hardness than contestant plates. This is achieved by molding by a harder rubber nearby the core, which stops the hub from splitting and plate wobble over time, plus a softer rubber act as a buffer numbing the blow and sound from the plate while dropped.
We have the latest in tech to offer you the best PU Coated Weight Plates; our finished products are finely wrapped and delivered in our endeavor to meet quality assurance standards. We at Fab Floorings assure our customers that we use the highest quality material to maintain quality standards that have been our benchmark for several years.
Both rubber and urethane weight plates are durable and long lasting, the basic differential factor is the kind of usage you are looking for and the cost between the two. Our experts can provide you with a quality solution once we have all the required details from you to help you make a wise decision.
So make an informed choice and build those triceps and shoulders without a vice.
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